Change of address

Chalmersska Ingenjörsföreningen and Chalmers co-operate to maintain up-to-date information on all graduates of Chalmers (so-called Alumni). This is done through a portal called Alumninät.

In order for Chalmersska Ingenjörsföreningen to always have as fresh information as possible regarding addresses and other information, it makes it easier for us if as many as possible and preferably all members are registered in Alumninät and update their information there when, for example, address changes. We are particularly dependent on having an up-to-date e-mail address, as almost all communication with alumni takes place this way.

To change your address, use this link to the Alumni Network 

Note: Address changes can also be made via email to . This applies to both e-mail address and regular address changes as well as changes of first and last name.