Chalmers Alumni Association Jubilee Fund Scholarship
To nominate or apply for the Jubilee Fund Scholarship
Have you or someone you know done something to strengthen the connection between students and alumni? Raised funds for a student union building in Härryda? Been involved in developing another platform where Chalmers students can exchange experiences? Then perhaps you deserve a scholarship of 15,000 SEK!
To nominate, submit your nomination to CING's Jubilee Fund by March 31st.
You can nominate one or several students or alumni by using the Nomination Form.
The scholarship can be awarded to an individual/group or split among several individuals/groups at the same time.
Scholarship Recipients 2024
Sofia Ljungström (Alexandersson), CIM19 och Yin Zeng, CIE20
Sofia receives her scholarship for having played a significant role in strengthening the ties between Chalmers students and alumni through the creation of the Leadership Network Avancez. The network acts as a discussion platform for all Chalmers students interested in leadership and nearby areas. By sharing knowledge, experiences and issues, Sofia and the network contribute to a strengthened community between students and alumni.
Yin receives his scholarship for several years of arranging alumni events where doctoral students have been able to meet and be inspired by senior people from different companies and create networks for what they can work with after their PhD. Yin has organized and executed these events with great enthusiasm, drive and professionalism. By organizing these events, Yin has strengthened the ties between doctoral students and alumni, completely in the spirit of Chalmers.
Scholarship Recipient 2023
Anna Molnö planned and implemented a mentorship program at the Mechanical Engineering Student Division in the spring of 2022, with 30 pairs of adepts and alumni. Parts of the program were held in a hybrid format, while others were physical meetings.
Based on the profiles of students and alumni, Anna paired like-minded individuals, which in many cases worked out very well. Many students were offered study visits to their mentor's workplace, and some are still seen today. The program received positive feedback from both adepts and mentors, and there are already inquiries from alumni willing to participate for another year.
With this program, Anna has united students and alumni for both benefit and enjoyment, strengthening the bonds between Chalmers alumni.
Balliancen, or the Alliance + Chalmers Ballet, has for 75 + 60 years contributed to students enjoying music and dance, while also connecting generations of Balliancers, constantly bringing them back to Chalmers.
Balliancen also supports Chalmers and the Student Union by performing at various events, like fairs to attract students, the "Save the Egg" for 5th graders, CHARM, and they entertain throughout the study period and at some of Chalmers' official larger events. They have fanfare trumpeters at the Graduation Ceremony and perform at companies/organizations where alumni work. Of course, they are also part of the Chalmers Cortège every year, entertaining the people of Gothenburg. Through its activities, Balliancen builds smiley bridges between Chalmers alumni of all ages.
Scholarship Recipient 2022
Linnea Ravegård has shown creativity and great commitment by not letting the lack of physical meetings during Covid stop her. Instead, she started a new mentorship program with digital meetings to create new networks between Chalmers alumni. Through these digital meetings, she expanded the mentorship program to find new relationship-building ways to reduce the distance between our not yet graduated Chalmers alumni in Gothenburg, together with mentors from Sweden, Europe, and the world. The program has been in demand and demonstrates how the comradery at Chalmers can evolve, no matter where in the world one is.
Scholarship Recipient 2021

Ellen Andréasson, in her nearly five years as a student at Chalmers, has engaged in various projects that unite Chalmers alumni. Ellen has helped organize the Pepp mentorship program for high school students, been a student ambassador for companies, and worked to develop contact between Chalmers students and professionals within Engineers Without Borders. Her commitment covers the entire spectrum and shows the potential network that can be formed, from current students to graduated Chalmers alumni.
Henrik Gunnerling's engagement is an important contributing factor to IKEA's increasingly clear and obvious presence at Chalmers. By focusing on student collaboration, in forms ranging from thesis work to participation in events such as CHARM and Camp Vera, Henrik has helped stimulate contact between Chalmers' current students and graduated alumni.
Scholarship Recipient 2020
This year's Anniversary Scholarship is awarded to Johan Hodges Dexner, student td18 & Ewa Leth, alumnus F88.
Johan Hodges Dexner
"Over the past year, Johan has taken a new step in alumni activities for students in Technical Design. Through a mentorship program for master's students, he has ensured that they receive extra support in their last time at Chalmers from committed alumni, who in turn also strengthen their bond with Chalmers. Despite a recession where companies deprioritized collaborations with labor market groups, Johan worked hard to find a form where students can contact the working world."
Ewa Leth
"For a long time, Ewa has worked hard to maintain contact between alumni and students, where her genuine commitment is especially evident in the work she has done and continues to do with the Chalmersspexet. For over 20 years, she has been a major pillar, not only for current Spex participants and in forming the new Chalmersspexet but also in new productions involving alumni, giving students an opportunity to connect with older Chalmers alumni."
The scholarship will be awarded later in 2020.
Scholarship Recipients Over the Years
For all previous scholarship recipients, see a separate page.
About the Jubilee Fund
The Chalmers Alumni Association's Jubilee Fund was established in conjunction with the society's 100th anniversary in 2007 to encourage Chalmers graduates' engagement with their school, to build networks between current Chalmers students and alumni, and to generally promote the Chalmers spirit. A common trait among all scholarship recipients is that they have contributed to the community among different generations of Chalmers graduates.
The Jubilee Fund's board would like to warmly thank all of you who have contributed to the financing of the fund's initial capital. You have made it possible for us to highlight the good examples of individuals who actively work to strengthen the ties between old and new Chalmers graduates.
The Jubilee Fund is governed by its own statute.
Scholarship recipients are unanimously appointed by the board of the jubilee fund. The board is elected for two years at a time and consists of the following members for 2023/2024:
- Anders Edvinsson, Chairman
- Sven-Erik Svensson
- Per-Anders Träff
- Dennis Norman
- Isac Stark, Representative of the Student Union
- Roger Nordman, Moderföreningens representative
To contact the board, send an email to